Items marked with a diamond are required fields.

Entered By (You, the person entering the report)

(By checking this box, you agree to allow EthicsPoint to store your information in a “Cookie” on this computer.)
Name & Contact Information
First Name/Given Name
Last Name/Surname

WV/VF Job Title or Role
Phone Number

Include the area code, extension,
and/or dialing codes if applicable.

Your Office Location
(Select One)
Your Office Type
(Select One)

Incident Issue Selection (What kind of incident are you reporting?)

Incidents can be simple and one-dimensional, or complex with more than one issue type.
Select one primary incident issue type below and additional issue types as necessary.
Issue Type
Is this issue being reported an Event, an Allegation or a Context Event / Near Miss?

(Select One)
Incident Level
Identify the Incident Level below.

(Select One)


Were there any Deaths or Injuries involved?

WV Staff

Non-Staff Adults

Sponsored Children

Non-sponsored Children

WV Staff

Non-Staff Adults

Sponsored Children

Non-sponsored Children

WV Staff

Non-Staff Adults

Sponsored Children

Non-sponsored Children


Incident Details

Date & Time
Approximate Date of Incident
(Format: mm/dd/yyyy)
Approximate Time (if known)
(Select One of Each)

Date of Discovery
(Format: mm/dd/yyyy)
Incident Location

GPS Coordinates (if known)
 ADP/AP/MFI/Response area

(Select One)
What Happened
Please provide a narrative description of what happened.
There will be an opportunity to attach any related documents directly after you click Submit, below. Note: Do not include child or adult beneficiary's real name.
(Do not use the child's real name.)
Initial Actions
Clear All
Initial actions taken.
(Select all that apply, only one selection is required)


Define “Other”:
Type of Intervention
(Select all that apply.)
Disaster Management
Did this incident take place in a Disaster Management response?

(Select One)

Child Protection

Were any children involved in this incident?
(Select One)

All People Involved

Were any additional people involved in this incident?
(Select One)


Were there any related World Vision/VisionFund assets or World Vision/VisionFund vehicles/motorcycles involved in this incident?
(Select One)
Total Loss:

Outside Agencies Involvement (i.e. Law Enforcement, Insurance Companies, etc.)

Outside Agencies
Were any authorities or outside agencies contacted/involved in this incident?
(Select One)



When you submit this report, you will be issued a Report Key. You will need this Report Key to upload documents or view your report at a later time. Please write the Report Key down in a secure and private place. Your report key cannot be recovered or reset once this report has been submitted.

Using your Report Key, you can "Follow-Up" on this report by returning to this form and clicking on the “Follow-Up” link at the top of the page.

Follow-Up will allow you to:

  • Upload documents
  • Respond to follow-up questions/comments
  • Provide additional information about any of the people or assets, including World Vision vehicles, involved in this incident.

To facilitate ongoing discussions related to incidents you submit, you will also be provided a Confirmation Number that will be stored in the Case Management system. You can use the Confirmation Number when speaking with your regional case managers about this incident.

Print a copy of this completed report before clicking submit.

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